Saturday, July 11, 2009

Excuse me....

I need to brag about my one of my brothers-in-law for a second...

(Photo Michael in action in Orlando)

Micheal is Tias's younger brother. He does amazing things with hair, it is a gift and if I had my choice no one else would ever do my hair ever again. From color to cut to treatments, he does it all!

Lately, Michael has been traveling around doing hair shows around the country. Hair shows are big conventions where stylists learn about new products, styles, etc from different vendors and industry pros like Michael. I have not seen him in action yet but from what I have heard he is very comfortable with a mic and an audience. What I do know is it is fun to watch him do hair, he has a swagger about him even if it is just him and your head in the room. :) I am very proud of all he has accomplished so far and can't wait to see where it takes him in the future!

Here are a few photos of Michael onstage for Keratin Complex at the Orlando Premiere Show 2009:

If you are in Charleston, SC area and need to have your hair done look him up, Michael Schuster!


1 comment:

  1. find Michael @ Lava Salon in Charleston (
